Monday, January 19, 2009

Framing Begins...

Framing has officially begun ... its seems like it took forever to get here, but was at the site this morning and met the framing crew...head guy is probably in his late 50's - splits time between Phoenix and Chicago - only reason he is up here is to do our house.

I was at the site at 8:30am and they were blow torching off the ice on the concrete and getting ready for the steel columns and beams. I had figured they would be lucky to get the steel set by the time I got back at 4:30 - however - to my pleasant surprise - they had gotten a very good start on setting all the joists/beams - so there is actually lumber in place.

Am anxious to see how quick they move over the next few days now - as temps forecast to be between 20-35, and no precip!!

I guess we are used to having an 8ft basement -looking down into the 9ft basement with the joists above seems large.

The very attractive "port-a-potty" in the front yard...

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